Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2012-10-22 Datr Zuril: The Last Wrong Tactics is a good development, since it is difficult to remove the tactics from the list when one gets them correct, is it possible to flag them as correct within the list. Eg Changing solved from no to yes or adding another column saying solved. It would be much easier to track if some sort of flag was possible.
2012-10-21 Zuril I am pleased to announce that now is possible to edit and delete the last own comment to problems.
Also in user stats are shown last 40 wrong problems.
2012-10-19 Zuril Datr: point 2 without removing successively solved problems it's easy, I give it high priority. Point 1 require a lot of work but I'm agree that is usefull.
2012-10-19 N4pll To all chess users: Houdini 3 came out this week. It much better than Houdini 2 by 40 to 80 ELO points. The Rybka team are "scratching their heads".

Houdini 1.5 and Stockfish 2.3.1 are still free.
2012-10-18 Datr Zuril: 1. I would like to have a one move take back on the solution screen, currently one can only go back to the first move. 2. In USER STATS I would also like a list of failed puzzles. One could then go into USER STATS and revisit the failed puzzle and hopefully get them correct. If one gets it correct it gets removed from the list, otherwise it remains on the list. In this way one could eventually get all the puzzles correct at least once. CT has a similar system.
2012-10-17 Zuril N4pll: I prefer to work to improve the tactics section of the site!
2012-10-16 N4pll Zuril: The computers (Play Menu) do not have random variables. Maybe the real Christmas present is to create some randomness to the chess computers.
2012-10-14 Datr Just had two very quick games and lost them both. I sense that Zeta is making mistakes but one will have to take time to find them. I see you have beaten it a number of times.
2012-10-14 N4pll Hey Datr: Will you try to play (Zeta chess computer) on the Play Menu of this website?
I see that you have only one game against the computer.
2012-10-08 Datr Since Star ratings are no longer used to remove puzzles I would give everyone Star Rating rights, OK some players give good problems 1 star but other players who "know" the puzzle isn't flawed can offset this by giving high ratings. I think it is more important to set-up the rating system so that each player can rate a puzzle, only once, from any screen and at any time.
2012-10-02 N4pll Point 1. Give star ratings to 1500 ELO or higher. My rating has gone down 100 points with the new RD and rating systems.
Point 2. I will give one star to mate problems that are not practical in regular chess games.
Point 2A. I am a queen or more in material and it is an easy win.
Point 2B. I am have one move too many to mate.
2012-10-02 N4pll Zuril: You need a "Preferences" menu. Both Chess Tempo and Chess Tactics Server have this. Datr wants greater than 1800 ELO in practice tactics problems. I want the tactics and mate to disappear in real ELO problems. The Italian or English can be in this menu. Those are 3 examples that can be preferences (or choices) menu.
2012-10-01 Zuril N4pll: for point 2 I need more opinion about, soon or later point 3 will be implemented.
2012-10-01 Zuril Datr: font size increased
2012-10-01 Datr Zuril: As you know a number of players have complained about the "en passant" iext not being noticable. I think a quick and easy solution would be simply to increase the font size so that it is just a bit larger than the surrounding text.
2012-09-21 N4pll Zuril my Christmas wish list are:
1. Vic-Zeta 3 half moves for the computer
Zeta-38911 5 half moves for the computer
2. Don't display "Tactics" and ("Mate in 3" for example) so that it is like solving problems in a real chess game.
3. Tactical motifs which is like CT. (Trapped piece, mate threat, zugzwang, etc.)

The first two are easy to do.
Thank you Santa Claus (oops it's Zuril) for all the work you have done.

PS How do you use the top two moves in Tactics in which the computer gives scores on the variations. It is on top of your home page with the latest information.
2012-09-17 Zuril Datr: yes can be done. I've take note of your suggestion
2012-09-14 Datr Zuril: I want to Practice 1800 to 1900 Tactics. The default is 1300 to 1700 and I have to change it every time I go in. Would it be possible to attach the min and max to the player and default to their last setting? So it would always be 1800 to 1900 for me, until I changed it?
2012-09-09 Datr The Mate in 15 contains some interesting ideas, although not new to me, I call the final mating patterns KillboxQ2. However, I used a different pattern with the king on f2 and the queen on the h-file.
2012-09-09 SuperPAC Mate in 15. Not too hard, but amusing.
2012-09-08 SuperPAC Agreed, Datr. Just putting ideas out there. Ideachess is a fantastic site either way.
2012-09-08 Datr I totally agree about the benefits of tagging. I see CT as a Jumbo Jet and ideachess as a glider. Personally I would prefer it to stay that way, what's the point in having two Jumbo jets. Ultimately it depends on what Zuril wants to create and I would support him whatever.
2012-09-08 SuperPAC Datr: Didn't see the tactics min/max. However, in tactics practice, the user doesn't know what rating the problem is. It would be nice to know the problem's rating while working on it in practice mode. Also, yes, min/max ELO for practice mates would be great.

Re: tactics tagging & your "CT clone" comment - I use ideachess more too because I like its interface better. However, the sites are very similar to each other so they will invariably be considered clones with or without one or two additional features.

Tactics tagging on CT is one feature I really do appreciate because it helps me keep the basic tactical motifs in mind and then to look for them as I go through positions. Naming and identifying tactics types helps make players stronger and more efficient.

The ultimate consideration of whether or not to add a feature should be: does it help players improve their chess? Tactics tagging does help, so I believe it should be included.
2012-09-08 Datr Personally, I think the simplicity of ideachess is its strength, CT is all singing and all dancing and yet I use ideachess more. I wouldn't want ideachess to become a CT clone. Keep it simple and efficient would be my advice.
2012-09-08 Datr SuperPAC: ELO Max Min already exists for tactical practice. Are you suggesting Mating Practices, which is currently Mate in 1, 2, 3 or 4 without ELO, has a max and min range also?
2012-09-08 SuperPAC Also, the obvious request would be to implement a tagging system like the "other" chess site has, that defines common tactic types and allows users to tag problems according to tactic type. Recognizing tactics types can be a very helpful way for a player to organize and improve tactics thinking.
2012-09-08 SuperPAC Another idea: allow users to choose a minimum and maximum ELO for practice problems.
2012-09-07 Datr Zuril: Another thing CT does is provide the time, as well as the date, a comment is made.
2012-09-07 Datr Yes, but some players will never get into the top 100. I think they should still know their position on the list, other wise it becomes elitist, which I don'y think is in the spirit if ideachess. The incentive for them would be to improve their grade and rise up the list. The RD restriction is fine because everyone can get on this list if the play enough.
2012-09-07 Zuril Datr: it's an incentive to improve :-)
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