Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2012-09-07 Datr Zuril: Just got into the top 100, I didn't like not being on the list!!
2012-09-07 Zuril Datr: the scroll bar is displayed only if there are a lot of comments. It's not implemented in ELO mode, I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you for point out the tactics ranking and your suggestion for the fen in ELO mode!
2012-09-07 Datr Zuril: Tactics Ranking is only showing the top 100 players with RD
2012-09-07 Datr The scroll bar has appeared in some puzzles but not in all. Should this be happening?
2012-09-07 Datr The FEN string is already in ELO mode when one presses the View Button, I think it would be nice for it to appear when one presses Solution, without having to go into View.
2012-09-07 SuperPAC What about adding the FEN string in ELO mode?
2012-09-06 Zuril Datr: it was easy to implement the scroll bar was difficult to have the idea :-)
2012-09-06 Datr Zuril: The comment box and sliders appear to be working well. A good improvement.
2012-09-06 Datr Repeating problems is Ok, but if they are repeated too soon then it could unrealistically inflate a player's grade, depending upon how good one's memory is. As I say, I sometimes fail problems that I have previously got correct, so I think it is ok to repeat all problems.
2012-09-06 Johangnorman I believe the idea of repetition is important in training. I think a certain percentage (20 percent??) of the problems presented should be repeat ones. The repeat problems could of course mostly (or exclusively) come from the problems that were failed previously.
2012-09-06 Datr Thanks for the FEN string. With regards to the Comments Box slider, in my perfect world the slider would show all the comments from the top to halfway down, then show all the comments again from halfway to the bottom. This would mean one could see the first comment immediately after the last one instead of having to slide all the way back, this is fine detail but would be great if possible.
2012-09-06 Zuril By the way I've added the FEN string to the practice problems
2012-09-06 Zuril Time ago I was using a chess engine internal to the applet but the performance was very poor so I've decided to not use it anymore in tactics problems. Now I think that the best way to test our ideas against a chess engine is to copy and paste the FEN position in our favorite external chess software.
2012-09-06 Zuril Comments in an independent box is easy to do. It's more complicated to add the one move back button in the solution. I've put all in the to do list.
2012-09-06 SuperPAC Zuril: The variation list is helpful, but it would also be great to be able to test the computer's response to tactical and mating problems. Like I said, many of the comments involve questions like "Why doesn't this work?" and it might be nice to allow players to test out their theories against the computer to see for themselves why their solution isn't good. Just a suggestion.

By the way, thanks for an ingenious site!
2012-09-05 Datr Another improvement would be to have the comments in an independent box. The idea is to be able to see the board at all times and see each comment next to the board, this isn't currently possible when there are a large number of comments, eg Check Mate Puzzle 1. Sliding the whole page puts the board out of view. It is important that the slider is able to view all the comments, keeping the board in view at ALL times. In CT when the comment slider is at the bottom, there are sometimes more comments below and one has to start sliding the page, this isn't good. The slider has to be set so that a small move creates a relative large comment move, so the the last comment is in view before the slider hits the bottom.
2012-09-05 Datr Another simple improvement, which I think I have suggested previously, would be to have a one move step back on the board, currently one can move forward one move but only back to the very beginning.
2012-09-05 Zuril For the what-if scenarios is not sufficient the last function added where if you point the mouse on the boldface move in the solution grid and leave there for 1 second you can see the partial variation list and its computer score?
2012-09-05 Zuril If I zoom the page with Chrome (CTRL and +, CTRL and -) the board become smaller but I miss the bottom row. I think there isn't a way to reduce the board except to increase the screen resolution.
2012-09-05 Zuril For the board chesstempo uses another development language: flash. I will add also the FEN string in practice mode.
2012-09-05 Zuril Thank you Datr and SuperPAC for your suggestions. In the next development I will add the option to edit and delete the last comment to the problem by the same user.
2012-09-04 Datr N4pll: I use Google Chrome. There is a Spanner icon on the top right of the screen, if I click on this the drop down menu has a Zoom option which changes the size of the board.
2012-09-04 N4pll After playing myself versus computer, then I play the ELO mate/tactics. The problem is that the board is a too big when using ELO. How do I make the board somewhat smaller?
2012-09-04 SuperPAC Another suggestion: seeing the average rating before people rate the problem themselves unquestionably influences how they rate it. It might be useful not to show the average rating of the problem until after the individual player has rated it.
2012-09-04 SuperPAC I second Datr's thoughts on enabling edit / deletion of comments, and the idea of being able to explore continuation lines. Most of the comments on problems deal with "what if" scenarios -- it would be great to be able to return to the position after the tactics problem and play out different scenarios to see what the computer response would be. This would help players get a greater understanding of why the given solution is best and why their solution doesn't work.
2012-09-04 Datr Chess Tempo has thousands of players, many with high grades and they provide some very in-depth analysis. I find ideachess far more relaxing and prefer the simple comment structure on the site. I wouldn't recommend "reproducing" a copy of ChessTempo, however, there are a few things that you could possibly do. 1. On CT the player who made the last comment can edit their comment, this is useful if one makes a mistake or wants to add something else. 2. Gold members can attach their engine to the board and analyse the position within CT. In ideachess I have to copy the string and paste into Fritz. 3. The endgame training in CT is better, players get a separate endgame rating. 4. The CT boards seem to load much more quickly, I don't know if they are using Java or another system. In addition, in ideachess I think it would be useful to have the FEN string in Practice so that continuation lines etc can be analysed as in Tactics, of course attaching the players own engine would be better in Tactics an
2012-09-04 Zuril What is there in chesstempo that you think can be helpful to have in ideachess?
2012-09-04 Johangnorman Great website. Thank you.
2012-09-04 Zuril I'm constantly improving the site in my spare time!
2012-09-04 ChessMaster714 Great website good skills and practice I can fund if you improve the website.
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