Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2013-11-28 Datr Why does he need to change the RD from 100 to 150? All that would do is add players to the list a few attempts earlier and keep non-active players on the list for 50 days longer. A player is currently take of the list after about 10 weeks inactivity, increasing the RD to 150 would extend this to about 17 weeks, were is the benefit in this?
2013-11-28 N4pll To Zuril:
You need to change the RD from 100 to 150 on the Tactics Ranking.

Please make it a very high priority on the checkmate problems; remember sometimes there is more than one way to win.
2013-11-27 Zuril Datr: I put your suggestion in the improvement list. Can be done. Now the priority is to make ideachess usable on mobile devices especially tablets.
2013-11-27 Datr Zuril: Would it be possible to have a Show/Hide button next to the Add button in comments.

Some players may not want to see comments and others would.

Comments could be hidden until the Show/Hide button is pressed.

The reason I suggest this is because I would like to write comments, that may help others, however, some players may want to consider the solution before seeing other players comments.

I think this would be a nice feature.
2013-11-26 Zuril Gary Kavin Ware has been suspended for 1 month because I think his comments are more aimed to create flames than in the spirit of collaboration, mutual respect and grow togheter in armony.
2013-11-26 Zuril Scusate avevo introdotto un baco con un aggiornamento. Ora l'ho sistemato.
2013-11-26 Tirajana AGGIORNAMENTO: anche a me succede lo stesso problema, anche con Chrome; l'esercizio rimane con la scritta "loading new..."
2013-11-26 Tirajana Ender, a me succede son Internet Explorer, ma non con Google Chrome
2013-11-26 Ender Non so per quale ragione ma il mio esercizio attuale non posiziona i pezzi (restano nella situazione iniziale) ed anche cercando di passare al successivo senza svolgerlo non cambia nulla (effettivamente non va al successivo).

Questo mi succedere solo per gli esercizi ELO.

Ho già provato a svuotare chache, killare plugin java e riavviare il router... nada.. non è che il mio esercizio attuale ha qualcosa di strano ?
2013-11-26 Scribesunlimited Thank you, Datr. I suppose if I were to let "Gary" get the better of me, it sends the wrong message. *sighs and shakes her head* I will stay. ^^
2013-11-26 Datr I actually predicted that this would occur, and I would encourage you to remain, your comments have been most helpful and a pleasure to read, it is unfortunate that Gary has this effect on players, if you do leave you will not be the first to leave for the reason you have stated. I hope you will reconsider. I am sure other players share my views.
2013-11-26 Scribesunlimited How do I delete my account here? I am very tired of the constant brow-beating and obvious trolling that GaryKevinWare indulges so freely in. The real Gary Kevin Ware would doubtless take offense to the way his name is being used, in my opinion. And I will of course inform everyone in my circles not to bother with this site, as their comments will be constantly put to the test with this individual. Thank you anyway for a good site. If you wish to contact me, please do so by my email account to discuss, otherwise erase my account and I am done. I cannot continue this.
2013-11-26 N4pll Let me type this for the third time:
Your checkmate problems tend to be inaccurate. Do not say the problem is wrong until all the moves are used up. If the mate in X is other than X number of moves, then we post them on the home page.
2013-11-23 N4pll To Zuril:
Could you update the checkmate problems as in mate in X and the number of problems that use mate in X.
Checkmate problems

Moves Problems
1 14418
2 16431
3 14809
4 11469
5 7993
6 3563
7 49
8 8
9 2
10 2
13 1
15 1
29 1
2013-11-20 Garykevinware Or the black pawn if it is black to move.
2013-11-20 Datr There is already a primary key for the problems. m1234 and t1234 are as different as 11234 and 21234 ie totally different, so the existing system is a "single number system". I don't see a problem here.
2013-11-20 Datr Yes, if black and white are adjacent on the 5 rank point to the white pawns to see if en passant applies.
2013-11-20 N4pll To Datr: Thank you for point out castling possibilities on shadowing white squares. Will that also apply to en passant?
To Zuril: Could you make statistics on a normal curve on the number of tactics and checkmates and their ratings?
To Zuril: Are you using Stockfish 4 for the solution? Some solutions lead to draws (like queen versus queen repetition in moves)
To Zuril: In 2014 are you going to start the tactical motifs that has already done?
To Zuril: You could put the checkmates from 200,000 to 300,000 with the tactics so that you have a single numbering system. You do not have to do this, but I believe it is SIMPLER than having two numbering systems.
2013-11-18 Tirajana Se si sta effettuando una PRATICA di TATTICA, procedendo con la SOLUZIONE, la differenza pezzi non viene aggiornata; in questo modo non si è in grado di verificare quale sia l'effettivo vantaggio della sequenza prevista
2013-11-18 Tirajana Negli esercizi, sarebbe opportuno mantenere un qualche sistema di segnalazione della mossa di risposta
2013-11-17 Zuril Tirajana: grazie per la segnalazione
2013-11-17 Zuril Ci sono problemi con internet explorer 8, conviene installare chrome o firefox con cui il sito funziona alla perfezione.
2013-11-17 Tirajana Con Internet Explorer il menù è diverso da quello proposto da Google Chrome (che è una fascia superiore con opzioni in contrasto IE ad una finestra che si apre a richiesta premendo una icona a righe sull'angolo in alto a destra)
Inoltre con IE non arrivano gli esercizi ed ecco i codici di errore al seguito
Dettagli errore pagina Web

Agente utente: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; AskTbORJ/; McAfee; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Timestamp: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 18:31:18 UTC

Messaggio: Previsto identificatore, stringa o numero
Linea: 256
Carattere: 5
Codice: 0

Messaggio: Previsto identificatore, stringa o numero
Linea: 126
Carattere: 17
Codice: 0

Messaggio: Previsto identificatore, stringa o numero
Linea: 387
Carattere: 33
Codice: 0
2013-11-17 Corciam In PROBLEMI ELO
non riesco a muovere i pezzi:
quando cerco di spostarne uno, questo si muove da solo non appena clicco con il mouse,
senza possibilità di cambiare,
e senza poterlo più muovere.
Cosa devo fare?
2013-11-17 Datr My Attempt History is only showing for the last 5 days. I don't see this as a problem provided more days are added as time progresses. I think It should be monitored for a few days.
2013-11-16 Zuril Tirajana: si può essere che nell'aggiornamento ho perso qualche dato storico
2013-11-16 Tirajana Non so come mai; io vedo solo il grafico prodotto dagli ultimi esercizi, cioè da quando il sistema è stato aggiornato
2013-11-15 Zuril Tirajana: non ho rimosso i grafici, io li vedo ancora
2013-11-15 Tirajana Peccato aver perso i grafici sugli esercizi di tattica. Sono rimasti solo i voti.
2013-11-15 Datr As mentioned previously, Alternative line evaluations are no longer shown in Solution.
Another change is that the Extended solutions no longer seem to ramble on, they appear to be much shorter now, which is good.
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