Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2014-01-06 Datr Zuril:

In the Mate Problems you are required to find a mate in a specific number of moves, there is only one possible solution

this isn't true so should read:

In the Mate Problems you are required to find a mate in a specific number of moves.
2014-01-06 GuySchalnat I mostly force myself to find the solution to mate problems before making the first move. The only exception I can think of is when the first move or two is forced. With tactics problems, I don't move unless I see a winning move (with the same exceptions). Sometimes, in a tactics problem, the problem asks me to continue into the game. I often lose my session at that point (and get an error something like "user not found"), but if I click on Home then ELO Problems, it allows me to redo the problem. Sometimes, on long problems, I leave it go and come back tomorrow.
2014-01-06 Datr • It’s important that after attempting the problem you express your quality rating by assigning a vote from 1 to 5 stars. The highest rated problems are listed in the Ranking, Problems menu.
• If you go to the next problem without giving a solution to the current problem; the solution to the problem will be considered wrong
2014-01-06 Datr Zuril:

I don't think the current guidance is still appropriate, I think it should be changed to something like:

• There are two types of Problem, Mate Problems and Tactics Problems.
• In the Mate Problems you are required to find a mate in a specific number of moves, there is only one possible solution
• In the Tactics Problems your position has a significant advantage; your task is to maintain or improve this advantage.
• Solutions are considered wrong if the advantage isn’t maintained; even if the final position is a winning one! The computer’s evaluation of the final position must be close to the computer’s evaluation of the Solution line.
• In some Tactical Problems a draw or avoiding a loss is the best outcome. In these problems the accepted solutions are those that result in a draw, or avoid a loss, otherwise the solution is considered wrong
2014-01-06 Datr When I started I adopted a different approach, I attempted many problems quickly and failed a lot, this wasn't a problem because the idea was to simple become aware of the many different tactics, I now have seen most ideas, up to 1800 and solve many well below the average time. I am now in the next planned phase which is to slow down and improve my board vision and analytically skills. Very often I can solve problems by simply finding the best moves piecemeal. I don't need to see all the Correct moves before making the first move. I want to be able to see the whole solution before I make the first move but often find this difficult, but I know it is the skill I now need to develop.
2014-01-06 GuySchalnat I've made large improvements by slowing down and thinking harder about the problem. Sometimes, it takes me an hour to solve a single problem, if it is really hard. I'd recommend spending a certain amount of time, rather then solving a certain amount of problems each day. From what I remember, half hour thinks are not uncommon at the world champion level, so why shouldn't the rest of us do the same thing? By doing this, I've found that what were once "hard" problems are now easier and only take me a few minutes, while what were, for me, rather impossible problems are now solvable (sometimes). Good luck.
2014-01-03 Datr Ranking, Other shows how many problems the most active players have attempted today.
Rate of progress is dependent on the individuals ability, previous knowledge, memory etc So I don't think there are any set rules. I tend to attempt problems relatively quickly, probably too quickly and I make mistakes, to improve my rating I should be more thorough in my analysis. Taking care and time will probably improve your rating faster than doing lots of problems and failing a high proportion.
2014-01-03 SicilianImplants How many tactics do people do per day? How many should we do to see considerable improvement? I'm trying to do 70 - 100 per day.
2014-01-02 Datr Reply provided to Problem no.18890 within the problem.
2014-01-02 Sportyami Problem no.18890 why not take bishop with pawn
2013-12-31 Ender Error "not assigned elo probelm" occurred again, and i ve noticed that if i play stupid moves, when the engine let me play as my opponent i could win the game.
2013-12-31 Datr Nazmul: Learning how to improve one's game is a very personal thing and different players have different approaches. A lot of players learn from books, there are many to chose from and it is important to read ones that are appropriate to one's current level, they range from elementary to very advanced as in other disciplines.

Of course learning tactics on this site will help.

I also watch youtube videos like this one.

Again there are many to chose from.

Chess is a vast subject, the more you learn the more you become aware of what you don't know, it can't all be learnt in one life time.

Good luck!!
2013-12-31 Nazmul how can i improve my game
2013-12-30 Ender Doday i've received "error not assigned elo probelm" and i play a game where at the end i could move both balck and white
2013-12-26 Datr Glad to help. Replying to your comments also helps me consolidate what I already know and learn new ideas.
2013-12-26 OptimumBody I mean Datr.
2013-12-26 OptimumBody Dart, thank you for all the help (comments) at ELO problems.
2013-12-23 Qbrown On the Checkmate problems there is no problem number like the tactics problems. Is there a fix for this?
2013-12-22 Datr Zuril: In Practice Tactics

For a new tactics problem set the desired ELO range and click on the New button:

Should be

For a new tactics problem, set the desired ELO range and click on the New button:

Note the comma after problem
2013-12-22 Datr Zuril: In Practice Checkmates

For a new checkmate puzzle click on one of the following buttons:

Should be

For a new checkmate problem click on one of the following buttons:
2013-12-20 OptimumBody Oh, I see. Thanks Datr.
2013-12-20 Datr Historically, 1 Star problems were deleted, however, too many players were giving perfectly good problems 1 Star, so it was decided to only allow players rated above 1600 to rate problems. Since 1 Star problems are no longer deleted I think it would be Ok and fair to allow all players to rate problems.
2013-12-20 OptimumBody Why can't I rate problems?
2013-12-19 Qbrown On the Checkmate problems there is no problem number like the tactics problems. Is there a fix for this?

2013-12-19 N4pll Zuril: I have 4 points to make.
1. In checkmate problems, the king does not go sideways when the checkmate is completed.
2. There is no sound on all moves.
3. In checkmate problems: Let's pretend it is a mate in 4. I see the green arrow then it is a mate 3. Another green arrow, then it is a mate 2 and so on until the correct green signal is on the computer screen. I really don't like that unless if I am a beginner.
4. There is no menu of choices such as sound, legal light white squares (disable or enable), et cetera.
2013-12-14 Zuril Point 3 of N4pll is difficult now to implement since is necessary to include in the javascript chessboard a chess engine. Certainly will not be done in a short time but I agree the will be a great improvement not only for mates problems but also for endgame training, chess against the computer, ecc...
2013-12-14 Datr I preferred it when there were more than one way to solve mating problems, it was nice to point out alternatives.

I don't like the lights showing legal moves and would prefer them to removed or at least an option to disable them.

I preferred it when en passant and castling rights were explicitly displayed.

The alternative move evaluations was a nice feature and I would like to see it return.

The new board is a great improvement but it is unfortunate that all the above have been lost, I hope it is possible to re-instate them.
2013-12-14 N4pll Zuril: 3 suggestions
1. I don't like the "white square legal moves" especially the queen is in the center of the board. I should see light white squares only for castling and en passant privileges.
2. How do you get the second best move to work this time? I don't like it when I have two choices to choose from and I get the wrong answer.
3. PLEASE be more liberal with the checkmate problems like you had in the past. Sometimes it is not "a one way street".
2013-12-13 GuySchalnat You could be right, Datr. It could be something else. Computer bugs are often the weirdest sets of circumstances.
2013-12-13 Datr In the past the engine as stated Mate in 7 when it was Mate in 4. It may be counting the white moves but I suspect it is something else.
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