Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2014-08-29 Corella Welcome to ?ITIFIA? it's fun to be a visitor.....

A brick through the window...

Do this slops in russian and french as well.
2014-08-27 Datr m53417:
Zuril: I played 1. ...Rb2 again which is Correct, but classed as Wrong, as stated previously this needs correcting or deleting.
2014-08-27 N4pll Zuril, you still have the word "LASTEST". It is not fixed. The English word is "LATEST".
2014-08-25 Zuril Right. Thank you N4pll!
2014-08-23 Garykevinware It is N4pll, not Datr.
2014-08-22 Zuril Fixed. Thank you Datr.
2014-08-22 N4pll Zuril:
In English, it is Latest Problems NOT Lastest Problems on your Stat Page
2014-08-11 Zuril Yes problems can't be found using FEN
2014-08-11 Datr The problem should be listed in User, Stats, Latest Problems.
As far as I am aware problems can't be found using FEN.
2014-08-10 UnicornMan Well I resolved my last dilemma myself, sort of. When I clicked on ELO Problems after re-logging in, it presented me with the same puzzle again. For the record, it's Tactics NR 121781.

I still don't know if it's possible to search for a problem using the FEN code, though.
2014-08-10 UnicornMan Another brick in the wall: I had a problem that timed out on me - I had to go out. It didn't show me the problem number, but I recorded the fen manually. The fen is:

8/5pk/4p1p1/4b3/7Q/R3P2P/3r1PP1/4qBK1 w

Is it possible to search for this problem using the fen?
2014-08-10 UnicornMan Sorry if this is in the faq, but do the ratings of problems get adjusted as people attempt them?
2014-08-07 N4pll On the menu user and click stats, you say "lastest problems". It should say "latest problems".

Please give out the number of mate in x problems. PLEASE
2014-08-05 Zuril Thanks SicilianImplants I'll give a look to the website you suggest!
2014-08-04 SicilianImplants Zuril, as an idea, have you considered the use of incentive-driven gamification to make the site more popular and rewarding for solvers? This could include a streak for how many consecutive days online/how many correct solutions in a row. ''Badges'' for short and long-term goals. is a great example of how this can popularize an educational site. Regards.
2014-07-26 Garykevinware Yet again, comments to problems belong at the problem, not on the Wall.
2014-07-26 Mrfirstsaturday First Saturday GM-IM-FM over the board chess tournaments, Budapest, 2nd-12th August, - we have some vacancies yet. and e-mail: [email protected]
2014-07-26 Raisha Hi SicilianImplants, you are right in your comment and Question: Why not 1. ... Bh8 in the Tactics prblem 118132 -2014.07.26-. I ask Fritz 12 and he played in 15 Second 1. ... Bxf6 (???). Greetings Raisha
2014-07-26 SicilianImplants Nice way to make problems harder, seeing as they are still showing ''mate-in-x'', is to right-click on the words and select 'block element' to make them permanently disappear. This requires having 'Adblock' as an extension. Note: This doesn't seem to affect the useful ''en passant'' warnings. Hope this helps some people.
2014-07-20 Zuril I am very happy that now there is more harmony between users :-)
2014-07-19 Datr The problem is there are many more examples of a similar nature. It is like a minefield out there.
2014-07-19 Zuril Deleted comments on t47701! Good advice.
2014-07-19 Datr Zuril: Having read this and my previous comment I think it would be best to delete both comments so that new players aren't attracted to the historical comments in the tactics problem.
2014-07-19 Datr Zuril: See latest comment on t47701.

During the "storming" periods in the past a lot of inappropriate comments were made by various parties, me included, this has left a legacy that doesn't reflect positively on the site and may spoil the experience for newcomers. I think it would be better if the non-chess problems were deleted but appreciate that this would be time consuming and not an easy task. Would it be possible to delete all my comments, so that I can start a fresh. If this is possible please do it.
2014-07-14 Corella Congratulations on the squares colour, bambinga
2014-07-14 Corella The alleged mistakes.

Mostly its tricky problems with a trapped piece.
2014-07-14 N4pll To Zuril:

Stockfish 5 came out and it is number one in the world!!!

Could you at least give the number of mate 1's, mate in 2's, mate in 3's, etc? A lot has changed since that time.
Please and thank you,
2014-07-13 Garykevinware Like the alleged mistake on t12258?!
2014-07-13 Corella About 10 percent of problems here, are from my viewing of them 'wrong'.

Usually it is the suggested move for the opponent. I'll start leaving a

2014-07-11 Corella Suggestion, an option to turn off the board co-ordinates.
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