Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2014-11-20 Giadi che belli gli esercizi di scacchi :)
2014-11-20 Giadi che forti che siamo!!!+

2014-11-20 Giadi ciao ragazzi
2014-11-20 Datr Zuril: I think only players who are on the Tactics Ranking list should have comments rights. I think It is wrong that people who don't attempt problems are allowed to make comments.
2014-11-17 LeoChen You are a nice man :)
2014-11-17 LeoChen PLEASE !!!
2014-11-17 LeoChen Garykevinware to become a friends please :)
2014-11-17 LeoChen Garykevinware vuoi ssere mio amico ;) ;) :) :0
2014-10-26 Garykevinware For the umpteenth time, comments on problems belong at the problem, not on the Wall. Besides, there is no such move as 2 Rxc7.
2014-10-26 Mnostrant problem107095
it looks like Rxe6 nxd1
Rxc7 Ra-d8 I do not see a win for white
2014-10-24 Bigoleg Jeff

If you're using Internet Explorer, you may need to upgrade. I had the same problem using IE10, but once I upgraded to IE11 I could see the pieces to select from.
2014-10-23 Jeffrutherford988 Yeah, there is the problem. I don't see the pop up window. Maybe I need to download java or something.
2014-10-23 Garykevinware You move the pawn as usual, and there should then be a pop-up window with a choice as to which piece that you want to promote to.
2014-10-23 Jeffrutherford988 On the elo problems, how do you promote passed pawns? I haven't figured out anyway to promote them, I've double clicked, right clicked etc. and there are no visible icons to click on. Very frustrating.
2014-10-08 Corella Simultaneous blind with 10 players. Amazing memory.

If you want to compete against this, here's your cue.
2014-10-08 Garykevinware Most of my comments are not 'unpleasant' except to those who can't handle the truth. Of course, you wouldn't make the same comment about your comments or those of IMVolen or MikeWzd. A typical double standard or blind spot.
2014-10-07 Datr Most of your comments are simply unpleasant and not chess related, they are an imposition and in the main unwanted by most players.
2014-10-07 Garykevinware Unlike you, I have better things to do than be on this website all day. How is it being a 'parasite' to provide useful comments? I don't just 'parasite' from chess engines.
2014-10-07 Datr Let us know when you get the guts to start doing problems on this site.

All you do is parasite off other players efforts, why don't you post a comment on why you don't do problems, you seem to have to comment on everything else.
2014-10-07 Garykevinware Let us know when you drop back into the 1700s or below again.
2014-10-07 Tiamat79 non riesco a giocare contro valvolo e gli altri nella sezione gioca perché mi appare una finestra "applicazione bloccata dalle impostazioni di sicurezza"
2014-10-07 Datr Corella: I have pushed my rating up to 1806, let me know when you get above 1800.
2014-10-05 Garykevinware 'Turmeric' If you misspelled the website address, we couldn't access it. Exactitude in communication is important.
2014-10-05 Corella Tumeric is dirt cheap.
2014-10-05 Corella

Thought you might use the link, unrelated to chess.
2014-10-05 Corella I'm not feeling too bad now about my rating, Datr has played 41000 problems out and is rated about 1700.

Just thinking about how long it takes to do 41k's worth of positions.

Dedication or a wheelchair, or even a prison cell.
2014-10-04 Corella That is to futher explain, many users like myself use a PC to download Android apps.
2014-10-04 Corella Release 'ideatactics' android app onto a freeware site. Google Play isn't accessible to PCs.

Type into google 'android freeware', many to choose from.
2014-10-04 Zuril Review in Spanish of Ideatactics app by the blog "Camino a la maestría"
2014-10-04 Corella Again excellent tactical positions. You'd think these positions wouldn't occur in regular play,
given the broken nature of the pawn structures, and the scattering and dislocation of the
pieces. Great site, chess players get the full utilization of computers, internet and a library
of chess positions. Reminds me of the Polgar book on mating problems, here's a link:
There's no better way to improve your play in my opinion than this site, and sites like it, though
this is the best one.
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