Bacheca messaggi

Data Giocatore Messaggio
2013-10-14 Garykevinware Then why wasn't Panda/IMVolen permanently banned a long time ago?!
2013-10-14 Zuril I've added the new policy in the comment window and deleted all recent flames. I will ban or suspend the accounts of who violate the condition.
Thank you Datr and Scribesunlimited.
2013-10-14 Scribesunlimited Thank you, Datr. I have researched some of Mr. Ware's work and I cannot honestly believe the person responsible for such intriguing contributions to the game of chess could be behind such rude and obnoxious comment to fellow players. I guess you just never know people. ^^
2013-10-14 Datr For Info
Zuril is the administrator of this site.
2013-10-14 Datr Thanks for you comment, I would be happy with this version, although it does allow one indiscretion, which is one too many in my book. I know it is normal HR practice to give warnings before the chop!!
2013-10-14 Scribesunlimited To the administration of this site:

Please consider a new policy:

"All comments should be made in the spirit of fair play and mutual respect, and anyone violating this condition will be warned and then banned from the site upon repeated incidents. IdeaChess does not condone slanderous remarks, threats, racial comments, or anything else detrimental to the proper use of this site."

Trolling should not be allowed, not from anyone and not anywhere.
2013-10-08 Tirajana LuisJavier, disculpame por my espanol. Puede ser que tu necesita de limpiar la cache de Java, donde se encuentran todos los fichieros de tipo .jar
No sè como lo puede hacer con windows espanol, pero se encuentran en el "panel de controle" -> Java
Buena suerte
2013-10-07 LuisJavierLP HAce como 4 meses que o puedo hacer ningu ejercicio porq me sale el un ERROR al cargar el problema. Reinstale El windows y persiste el error.

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 100
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 100
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 100
Error. Can't communicate with
IdeaTactics V1.5 Build 1 5-2
Copyright © 2002-2012 Gianluca Cisana
All rights reserved.
2013-09-29 Tirajana tnx a lot, datr
2013-09-29 Datr RD ranges from 350, new players to 30 very active players. The RD drops after every attempt whether Correct or not.
2013-09-29 Datr RD=Rating Deviation, it measures the reliability of the ELO. Like Standard Deviation in statistics. 30
2013-09-28 Tirajana Scusa Zuril, quando si termina un esercizio Elo vengono evidenziate le statistiche dell'esercizio stesso; tra queste un parametro RD. Qual'è il suo scopo? Grazie.
2013-09-24 N4pll 1. The main captures are taken in that tactical sequence.

2. Could you put 1752 as the highest rating ever for 2013/9/23?

Thank you,
2013-09-23 N4pll What I meant on point one is that Stockfish 2 versus Stockfish 4 might have made significant improvements on (quiet moves, meaning the captures are over).
2013-09-23 N4pll Zuril:
1. The rating lists show Stockfish 4 is equally as good as Houdini 1.5. I don't want to give you a heart attack but some solutions after the tactics are over (and the quiet moves begin) may change
Stockfish's evaluations.

2. Could you put 1725 as my highest rating ever since you have added harder problems.
Thank you for doing great job.
2013-09-22 Paul.Kraly Joke: What does "The Terminator" say if you challenge him to a chess match?

"I'll be black..."
2013-09-22 Paul.Kraly Woot, that's 1900, BABY! =)
2013-09-18 Zuril Ho dato un occhiata ai sorgenti ed in effetti per poter votare l'ELO deve essere maggiore o uguale a 1600 punti non 1500 come ti avevo detto per errore
2013-09-18 Zuril Per cambiare la password:
2013-09-16 Tirajana Scusami ancora, ma mi hai segnalato nella recente risposta del 7/9 che il voto è concesso a chi ha più di 1500 punti Elo; sono oltre i 1500 da qualche giorno ma tuttora non mi è permesso votare le stelle.
2013-09-15 Tirajana scusa Zuril, come posso cambiare la mia password
2013-09-13 Paul.Kraly Zurl, can you find a way that we can copy/paste PGN notations for games we play with the computers? Everything's java oriented, and I cannot actually copy any of the moves.
2013-09-12 Zuril No. Thanks for reporting I will try this new version.
2013-09-10 N4pll Zuril, are you using Stockfish 4? The software was updated less than one month ago.
2013-09-07 Tirajana Grazie Zuril. Una ragione in più per darsi da fare :-)
2013-09-07 Zuril Il voto è permesso solo a chi ha più di 1500 punti ELO
2013-09-06 Tirajana scusa Zuril, ma quando finisco un esercizio non ho modo di votare le stelle; come mai? Grazie
2013-09-02 Tirajana Era tanto tempo che non entravo a confrontarmi con problemi Elo; e così adesso ho scoperto che sono miseramente crollato!
Si vede che gli esercizi servono proprio a mantenerti a livello!!!
2013-09-02 Zuril To use the Forum you have to register on Ideachess so you get user name and password that are shared between the main site and the forum. I imagine that now you login with facebook.
2013-08-31 Paul.Kraly Zurl, how do I register to use the forum? I must not be seeing the link somehow. =(
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